New insights
into the exhibition "Soft Power"

Philipp Gufler and Raimund Wolfert on queer historiography

Philipp Gufler, Photo: Haydar Koyupinar, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Museum Brandhorst, München

July 6, 2024
12 pm 

In the “New Insights” tours, artists guide visitors to their works in the exhibition Soft Power, providing insights into their creative processes and discussing the thematic links between art and society with experts. The discussion tours will be moderated by exhibition curator Daniel Milnes.

Since 2013, Philipp Gufler has been developing an ongoing series of works entitled Quilts. Gufler's quilts are based on archival research into the history of queer people, places, publications, and other forms of expression that are in danger of being forgotten. The result is a visual cosmos of film essays, performances, objects, artist's books, and quilts, for which Gufler transfers motifs onto fabrics using a screen printing process. Each of these quilts documents a different story in the form of complex, multi-layered portraits.

In the exhibition Soft Power, Philipp Gufler guides visitors through his works, which are dedicated to actress Charlotte Charlaque, the doctor and sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld, and the historical lesbian magazine “Die Freundin - Das ideale Freundschaftsblatt”. They are shown together with a painting by Toni Ebel, who was a close friend of Charlotte Charlaque.

Together with Raimund Wolfert, freelance lecturer, author and research associate at the Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft e.V., Philipp Gufler contextualises queer historiography using the example of the portraits presented in his work.