Collection & Foundation


The former terrace restaurant »Minsk«, built in the 1970s in the modernist style of the GDR, has become a place of encounter between modern and contemporary art—and between people. Artworks from the former GDR, which are part of the Hasso Plattner Collection, are shown here in new contexts. 

»For many Potsdamers, the building is associated with happy memories. The architecture from the time of the GDR is part of the city’s history and I want to give the place back to the people of Potsdam.« — Hasso Plattner

One focus of the Hasso Plattner Collection is art from the former GDR, and DAS MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam maintains the works from the collection that were created after 1945. Developed over the course of years, the extensive collection of significant works by renowned artists from the former GDR, such as Wolfgang Mattheuer, Bernhard Heisig, and Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, forms the starting point for the museum's program. Works from this time will be brought into dialogue with contemporary art at DAS MINSK.

»In the new exhibition space, works from after 1945 in the collection will find a home. Art from the former GDR is still scarcely represented in museums today and does not receive the appreciation it deserves. We want to change that by making the works available to the public and showing how diverse and significant the art of this time is.« — Hasso Plattner


As cofounder and long-time chairman of the software company SAP, Hasso Plattner is one of Germany's most distinguished entrepreneurs. The city of Potsdam now has him to thank for founding two museums and the Hasso Plattner Institute. He was honored with honorary citizenship of Potsdam in 2017 for his great commitment to the city as his second home. 

The long-term philanthropic activities of the Plattner family have been consolidated into the Hasso Plattner Foundation since 2015. The Hasso Plattner Foundation’s mission is to educate and inspire generations. Through its initiatives, the Foundation aims to accelerate the adoption of digital technologies, support environmental science and conservation, and foster connections through art and culture.

As sponsor and shareholder of both cultural venues DAS MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam and Museum Barberini, the Hasso Plattner Foundation finances museum operations, the exhibition program, and the expansion of the collection. 

»The former terrace restaurant MINSK is connected with memories for many Potsdamers. Many of them fought for the preservation of the old Minsk precisely for this reason, because to a certain extent it was also about the preservation of their own identity and that of the city. DAS MINSK wants to pick up exactly where it left off and once again establish itself as a place of encounter that extends beyond art. Here we show, search, discuss, endure, and bring together, and hopefully also dance and laugh together again. I hope for being together and for each other.« – Stefanie Plattner

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