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Together 70 – Everything in Flux

A new work by the Berlin / Brandenburg regional group of the specialist association ... textil ...

Together 70 – Everything in Flux (detail), textile works by members of the Berlin / Brandenburg regional group of the specialist association ... textil e. V... Wissenschaft - Forschung - Bildung, 2024. Photo: Sabine Piltz

June 21–24, 2024

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Circle for Artistic Textile Design Potsdam, a new collaborative work has been created by the Berlin / Brandenburg regional group of the specialist association … textil … e.V.  

In 1991, members of the Potsdam Circle joined this association. The members have a variety of experiences and backgrounds with textiles, ranging from education and teaching, artistic and craft professions, through to academic textile research.

Inspired by the exhibition Soft Power, which features the history and work of the Circle for Artistic Textile Design, the idea arose for a new project based on a design by the Potsdam textile artist Sabine Piltz. The work “Together 70 – Everything in Flux” builds on a long-standing tradition and experience of developing collective textile projects. It consists of individual tableaus that the members created between April and June 2024. For this presentation, the visitors too are encouraged to become designers by creatively reassembling the tableaus into new arrangements and thereby making new discoveries.

The presentation will take place from June 21st to 24th, 2024 in the foyer of DAS MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam.

DAS MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam
Max-Planck-Straße 17
14473 Potsdam
Daily 10:00 — 19:00Closed on Tuesday
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