Photo Workshop with Martin Maleschka

Vacation workshop for children aged 10-12

Workshop Photo

Photo: Ladislav Zajac

New date: 25.–27.10.2023
10am–2pm each day

Conceived by Aljoscha Begrich

In a three-day school holiday workshop, participants will embark on a voyage of discovery of MINSK and its history together with the architect, photographer, and Modernism of the East expert Martin Maleschka. In and around the building, MINSK’s architecture will be explored and photographed in a playful manner. The photos are then printed out and their outlines traced. From the drawings of the old, new, and an imagined, possibly future MINSK, pages will be created for coloring. After the workshop, a coloring book about the exhibition space will be produced, which will be sent to the participants free of charge.

With the participation in the workshop, consent is given to use the resulting drawings for a coloring book, which will be available to children at MINSK free of charge in the future.

The use of the technical equipment on site and the material are included in the ticket price. Participation on individual days is not possible.