Wolfgang Mattheuer
Der Nachbar, der will fliegen
Wolfgang Mattheuer
Der Nachbar, der will fliegen
From September 26 until October 16, 2022, the public guides tours, as part of the opening, are offered free of charge. The reservation of a guided tour during this period is only possible on site. In order to participate, an admission ticket from 15 minutes prior to the start of the respective guided tour must be booked in advance.
Thursday, 29.9. – 6.10. – 13.10.2022 at 11 am
Stan Douglas, Abandoned Laube, Berliner Straße 105, Berliner Vorstadt, 1994/95, from the series Potsdamer Schrebergärten, 15 parts. Hasso Plattner Collection, © Stan Douglas, Courtesy the artist, Victoria Miro and David Zwirner